Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Welcome to my first ever blog.  I had to hurry and get in under the wire before my birthday next month.  "Life View at 63" doesn't rhyme so, if I'd waited any longer to write my first post, I'd have to come up with a new title and it was all I could do to think of this one.

But, since it's Mother's Day, let's talk about that instead of my impending birthday.

I think it's odd we have a holiday to celebrate mothers...and fathers and grandparents for that matter.  I know it's a great time for Hallmark and American Greetings but shouldn't we let the people we love know our feelings on a daily basis without being prompted by a National Holiday or, worse, guilt?

My view, of course, is skewed because I didn't have a Donna Reed or Harriet Nelson type of mother.  I was watching "The Judds" on TV the other day and Naomi was quite emotional about her mother and their relationship.  It made me wonder how many women have had terrible relationships with their mothers.  I certainly did.  And that follows to what kind of mother I was for my two sons since I didn't have a positive role model for motherhood.  And it's one of those things you don't talk about except with your best friends (and maybe not even then) because there's some preconceived idea that a mother is untouchable, beyond reproach.  That isn't true, of course, but that's the idealistic model.

Both of my sons have called today and so has my step-son.  One sent flowers, one made arrangements for dinner tomorrow night and one is overwhelmed being a dad and sole breadwinner.  I feel bad for all of them since I know they felt pressured to acknowledge the holiday somehow.  My husband gave me a card and asked if I "wanted to do anything" which is his version of being spontaneous.  If I had my choice, I'd let them all off the hook for today and hope that on any of the other 364 days of the year they'd call or stop by for no reason just to say they loved me.

Who's with me?